
My name is Ewa Miszczak. I’m a contemporary artist known as Emoi. My art studio is based in Tralee, Co. Kerry on the beautiful emerald island of Ireland.

I focus primarily on the portrayal of the female form. My art is an anarchic mix of ideas, media, techniques, content and materials with a constant dominator - depiction of women. I create digital art, I paint, I work with collage, I innovate. As well as individual art pieces, I create regular art collections like fashion collections: regular, limited in numbers, and very collectable. Not to mention -desirable. Why can’t art have its catwalk/red carpet/celebrity moment in time?I can be minimalist and/or maximalist in my arty endeavours. Or somewhere in between.As much as I love traditional mediums of canvas, I am also drawn to eclectic and diverse materials such as rigid boards, old panels, metals, embroidery, wood, glass, fabric, the latest technological innovations etc. I draw my inspiration from old and new, heritage and high tech, antique photographs and modern graphics, nature and man-made creations, classicism and ultra modernism. I just love the mix of contrast. My background is in product design innovation, hence my love for experimenting with different mediums and innovating new art avenues. There are so many art concepts that I would love to bring into being: solar powered 'movable' art pieces or collaborating with my audience (or fellow artists) in real time to make art that otherwise would have never happened ( 'turning different corner and we never would have met' type of thing) to name just a few. I am also an eager art collector. I am absolutely a fan of collecting art and being surrounded by it.Some call it the latest craze. I call it a valuable investment.

I continually feed my mind with novelty and new ideas.I need to push boundaries. We, the artists, owe it to ourselves.

And to You.



‘Fashion wears many faces; it has the urge to belong to a group - to charm - but also the urge to be exclusive and snobbish to carve out individuality. That is the genius of fashion! Fashion is what time looks like, and it's up to us all to shape what our own time looks like. Fashion is a collaborative art form in this way...

We all paint the picture.


Contact Emoi Art

If you have any enquiries you can reach me on:

+353 830967163